Hello, hello, hello! 

I’m sure you’re all suprised to hear from me after such a long time of radio silence but I am here to assure you I am still here! 

There are a few reasons why haven’t posted in so long, and some of them I really wish hadn’t happened. So I’ll go into them a little and who knows maybe some of them might get discussed in greater detail later on! Here goes; 

So, I recently lost someone very close to me, and their death came as a big shock if I’m honest. So that has really ground a few things to a halt while we all come to terms with what happened. More recently I’ve realised that I have a lot of happy memories and that goes a little way towards healing. But truthfully, it’s kind of shifted things and it’s taking some getting used too. 

Secondly, I spent two weeks volunteering up at Vindolanda on Hadrian’s Wall, doing excavations in the Vicus and helping add to their ever-increasing collection of pottery and roman shoes. I don’t actually know how much I’m allowed to show/say, but in reality they run a blog on their website so you can follow the progress of the 2017 excavations from there. What I will say is that it was a surreal and gratifying experience. Whilst the cold and the rain were a little trying (and we on period 1 didn’t even have the worst weather) and the mud was less than appealing, finding things that no person had touched for nearly 2000 years was an amazing thing!

Whilst my own laziness and other small issues have also hampered my blogging, I think those were the main two issues. I just thought I’d check in to let everyone know that I’m still here and I still care about this blog, even if I’ve been terrible at posting! 

Love love love,

El x

Little bonus: my lovely ditch ❤ 

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